Pet food producing wastewater treatment

ClearFox® SBR system and ClearFox® lamella clarifier for pet food producing wastewater treatment

Industrial wastewater treatment

Pet food producing wastewater treatment

ClearFox® SBR system and ClearFox® lamella clarifier for pet food producing wastewater treatment

Industrial wastewater treatment

Project Details

Size 25 m³/day
Location Germany
Completed 2011

Project Delivery

Features Reliable compliance with discharge values
Complete planning of the wastewater treatment plant by ClearFox® engineers
Direct discharge into a receiving waterbody
Treatment Modules ClearFox® SBR
ClearFox® Clarifier

Project Results

Before After
COD 2000 mg/l 430 mg/l
BOD 950 mg/l 190 mg/l



A producer of pet food asked PPU for a treatment plant for the wastewater. The reason for this was the expansion of the processing capacities. This resulted in more wastewater, which the customer no longer wanted to discharge into the municipal sewage treatment plant. He wanted a solution for direct discharge into a receiving water body. For this, the discharge values had to be greatly reduced.

Wastewater from the processing of pet food is very similar to conventional wastewater from the food and beverage industry. In this case, the COD was 2,000 mg/l and the BOD5 was 950 mg/l. The wastewater mainly comes from cleaning the machines as well as from hygienic wastewater from the employees. Therefore, cleaning chemicals and soaps also mix into the wastewater.


The challenge in this project was the irregular supply of wastewater in combination with the strict discharge values. While very little wastewater is generated overnight and at weekends, a lot of wastewater is generated during production hours. Despite the fluctuating wastewater loads, the treatment plant must deliver reliable treatment performance to meet all direct discharge requirements.


To begin with, PPU carried out an on-site visit. In the process, it took wastewater samples, which the Bayreuth-based company analysed in its in-house laboratory. The ideal solution for achieving the required discharge values was a ClearFox® SBR system with a connected lamella clarifier. The wastewater first flows into a collection tank, which the company installs underground on site. From there, the wastewater flows into the SBR reactor, which the ClearFox® team installed in two towers. This is where the biological wastewater treatment takes place. Afterwards, a ClearFox® clarifier separates the clearwater from the sludge.

For this project, PPU took over the complete planning of the wastewater treatment plant. The combination of ClearFox® SBR system and ClearFox® lamella clarifier guarantees compliance with all required discharge values. Thus, the COD drops to 430 mg/l and the BOD5 to 190 mg/l. Thanks to the flexible planning options, the ClearFox® engineers made optimal use of the existing possibilities on the company premises to ensure the best possible solution for wastewater treatment in the processing of pet food.

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