PPU Umwelttechnik GmbH gives a live presentation to Swedish stakeholders, demonstrating a wastewater treatment solution for the food industry.
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PPU Service team visited Naba Feinkost GmbH near Erfurt, Thuringia in June 2021, to demonstrate a ClearFox® wastewater treatment solution for the food industry so they could review and check the system.
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PPU Service team visited Naba Feinkost GmbH near Erfurt, Thuringia in June 2021, to demonstrate a ClearFox® wastewater treatment solution for the food industry so they could review and check the system.
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ClearFox® wastewater treatment solution for the food industry
A containerized system ClearFox® DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation) was specially designed as a solution for wastewater treatment in the food industry and successfully implement by food sauce developer factory Naba Feinkost GmbH for treating production and hygienic wastewater as well as rainwater. Using modern communication technology, the staff presented the plant to the Swedish customers and answered all their questions about wastewater treatment solution for the food sector.
Based on its many years of experience in wastewater treatment, PPU Umwelttechnik has shown multiple times that the ClearFox® DAF is the ideal wastewater treatment solution in the food industry, with market leading removal efficiency for BOD, COD and TSS.
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The Thuringian company Naba Feinkost GmbH specialises in organic food production. Thus, the wastewater contains phosphorus, nitrogen, COD, BOD and a high pH value. ClearFox® DAF is a self-contained unit. Using flocculants, it binds all impurities, floats them, and removes them as sludge. It also regulates the pH-value with the help of a regulator. The clean water that remains is then passed on to the municipal wastewater treatment plant. In this way, the system cleans itself and maintenance is kept to a minimum. Thanks to the latest technology, the highest quality, and many years of experience, PPU Umwelttechnik has earned the trust of its customers and installed the ClearFox® wastewater treatment solution for the food industry as well as other industries not only throughout Europe, but also all over the world.
As a Swedish company became interested in wastewater treatment solution for the food industry, PPU Umwelttechnik organised a live digital demonstration of the DAF system. Using mobile technology, the service employees gave an online tour of the plant, highlighting the most important components and explaining their operation. They demonstrated the sludge discharge as well as the accompanying clear water discharge and answered any questions from interested parties about the wastewater treatment solution for the food industry. With a digital demonstration, PPU Umwelttechnik gave an in-depth insight into the operation and benefits of the plant to potential customers online, effortlessly.
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Employees on site can rely on the reliability of this wastewater treatment solution for the food industry by carrying out just a few checks.
All ClearFox® wastewater treatment solution for the food industry as well as other industries are modular and completely automatic operation Plug ang Play. Contact us for free now and get your wastewater treatment solution for the food industry or any other industry right now!
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Wastewater treatment solution for the food industry[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row color_scheme=”primary”][vc_column][us_cta title=”Speak to one of our team today” controls=”bottom” btn_label=”contact us now” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fstage.clearfox.com%2Fcontact%2F|title:Contact”][/us_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]