Municipal Wastewater Treatment

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Municipal wastewater treatment systems refers to the treatment of sewage and wastewater generated from households, small communities and commercial buildings such as schools and hotels. ClearFox® offers a range of solutions for the treatment and cleaning of this wastewater to allow compliance and safe discharge of treated effluent into the environment. Our range of cost effective solutions include electric and non electric systems for single houses, businesses and communities. We provide complete solutions for populations of 4 to 10,000 persons.

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The ClearFox® range of municipal wastewater treatment solutions offer flexible and cost-effective wastewater treatment. They include pretreatment, biological treatment and clarifiers. With additional tertiary treatment modules for disinfection, P elimination, denitrification and the removal of persistent substances and pharmaceutical compounds and drugs from wastewater. We use a range of process technologies including FBBR and SBR for the biological treatment steps.

municipal wastewater treatmentOur solutions are specifically suited to applications such as:

  • Single houses
  • Small communities
  • Hotels
  • Schools
  • Gas stations
  • Tourism sites and campsites

The wastewater generated from each of the above referenced applications can vary significantly with regard to flows and loads generated. Hotels for example can have major fluctuations in wastewater loadings due to seasonal variations in visitor numbers. The wastewater generated can have higher BOD and COD than normal due to onsite catering and events. And the wastewater generated can have higher BOD and COD than normal due to onsite catering and events. Schools also have variable flows and loads, with no occupancy overnight or at weekends, and extended periods of non use with summer holidays. Gas stations and motorway service stations can have very high toilet usage, resulting in high ammonia levels in the wastewater.

Every application requires a site specific, solution-oriented approach. The solutions offered by ClearFox® municipal wastewater treatment are already successfully installed and in operation around the world at similar applications. We have the knowledge and experience to offer a cost effective solution for your new or existing project.

From complete plug and play containerized solutions, to SBR kits that can be installed in existing septic tanks. We guarantee an engineered solution that will allow you to meet your local discharge license requirements and achieve compliance with effluent standards.

Regardless of the solution chosen for your application, our designs ensure simple and automatic operation, no noise or odor, and minimum sludge production.

ClearFox® Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems have the following advantages:

  • municipal wastewater treatmentLow purchase price
  • Automatic operation and only a minimum of maintenance
  • Low operation/energy cost
  • Small eco footprint
  • Process and effluent guarantees
  • Modular system, adaptable to every application
  • Due to plug and play very quick and easy to install
  • No infrastructure or building necessary; just a solid base to set up the containers,
  • Modular,
  • Flexible for changes and extensions
  • Mobile and compact,
  • Can be leased and reused in other locations,
  • Completely made in Germany with guarantee

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The specific solution for each municipal wastewater treatment application depends specifically on the project.

Depending on whether the project is a new build application or an upgrade of an existing septic tanks, the specific solution may be different.

Also, the size of the application will have an influence on the chosen solution, with packaged municipal wastewater treatment systems being the most suitable for some projects, and equipment kits for retrofitting into existing tanks being better for other projects. Our engineers and process engineers will assist in selecting the most suitable solution for each application.

For small developments where environmental sustainability is the priority, the ClearFox® Nature is perfect for treating sewage from single houses and small communities up to 32 people. For larger applications of >50PE the containerized ClearFox® Nature can be installed for municipal wastewater treatment.

municipal wastewater treatmentWhere existing tanks are available or can be constructed onsite or procured locally, then an SBR kits can represent the most cost effective EN12566-3 approved solution available on the market. The SBR Standard process technology can be installed in tanks of any material and shape and can be designed to achieve any required effluent values. SBR standard equipment kits are available for populations of 4 persons to 1000 persons. Larger SBR kits are designed individually.

Where plug and play, modular solutions are needed for hotels, gas stations, villages or other municipal wastewater treatment applications, then our containerized solutions are the best choice. As all the wastewater treatment equipment is preinstalled and factory tested, onsite installation work is limited and the system is basically Plug & Play. A range of process technologies can be installed in our modular, mobile systems, making them suitable for industrial and municipal wastewaters. 

All of the solutions we offer are manufactured in house. We have EN12566-3 approvals for all of our packaged systems, all parts are CE marked, all systems conform to all of the relevant EN standards and come with declarations of conformity along with certificates of origin. Systems are also all designed and manufactured in accordance with DWA design guidelines and strict quality standards.

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The technology utilised by our full range of products for municipal wastewater treatment depends on each specific application. But the main process steps can include the following:

  • municipal wastewater treatmentPretreatment
  • Flow equalisation
  • Biological processes with FBR or SBR
  • Clarification
  • Filtration
  • Disinfection
  • Prelimination
  • Denitrification
  • Removal of persistent substances

The process technology we implement in projects has been designed by us, manufactured by us, and we have reference projects in over 50 countries. So ClearFox® municipal wastewater treatment technology is tried and tested, and we are a reliable partner for wastewater treatment on your project.

Each product and process technology we use for municipal wastewater treatment is undergoing continuous R&D to constantly optimize and improve what we offer our customers and clients.

We produce all equipment in-house, with strict quality controls and compliance with all European standards.

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Single house

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ClearFox® is specialized in the manufacture and design of plug and play solutions for household wastewater.

We offer solutions to any individual wastewater problem from single homes to housing complexes. Our products use a minimum of technology and need little to no maintenance while having a long lifespan. They are specifically made for users/owners who have no knowledge of maintaining a wastewater treatment plant.

Our solutions are installed all over the world, and are the best choice where odor free, silent and maintenace free operation are required. With over 20 years of experience in this industry, our specialists can give you a solution to every individual wastewater problem.

We have a full range of solutions including electric and non-electric wastewater treatment plants for septic tank upgrades or for new developments.

We manufacture complete plug and play solutions that are certified to EN12566-3. We also offer retrofit kits for installation in existing septic tanks.

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ClearFox® is specialized in the design and manufacture of plug and play modular of wastewater treatment systems regarding the hotel industry. Throughout the last 10 years we have acquired a lot of experience and with the outstanding technical abilities of our team we are a perfect choice for your project.

With globalisation, more people are travelling to spend their holidays in foreign countries. This has generated a boom in the hotel industry, where with more competition, owners and managers have to offer their customers exceptional service.

Every good hotel produces a huge amount of wastewater through their bar, kitchen, swimming pool, bathrooms, etc. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for it to have a reliable and good functioning wastewater treatment system that can handle the wastewater.

Wrongly located, installed and maintained septic tanks can lead to pollution of the environment, odour and nuisance, with irreversible damage to the image of your hotel as an end result.

Finding the right wastewater system for your hotel is key for optimal running system. Various factors like the size of your hotel and daily wastewater volumes (for on and off season) play a role in the system you should choose. For hotels we have a range of above and below ground electric and non electric solutions. We would be happy to assist you in finding the perfect sewage treatment plant for your hotel.

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Gas station

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It is a common issue for wastewater treatment plants at motorway service stations to be undersized or overloaded due to increasing traffic, greater numbers of visitors or expansion of the facilities. Additionally, stricter regulations on discharge licensing may warrant an upgrade to an existing treatment plant to meet new higher effluent standards. ClearFox®  can help identify the areas of concern and make recommendations for the best course of action.

We provide bespoke wastewater treatment solutions to suit any available space, above ground or below ground, and to any effluent standards. Where there is a compliance issue with the environment agency due to a breach of a discharge license or permit, we can offer an upgrade to ensure full compliance.

A combination of the use of kitchen, cleaning and washroom facilities produce the wastewater at a filling or gas station. It is characterized by highly variable flows, high ammonia content and high FOG content due to catering and food prep. There are various tried and tested methods for treating service station wastewater – the most suitable will depend on the unique requirements of the project itself. ClearFox® will engineer a solution to meet the exact project requirements.

ClearFox® has a proven track record in providing low cost, reliable sewage treatment plants for service stations using the latest developments in commercial wastewater treatment such as SBR and FBR  technology. This technology operates on a project specific pre-programmed treatment sequence, which is ideal for applications with variable flows, high ammonia content and high FOG.

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ClearFox® is specialized in the manufacture and design of plug and play modular solutions for school wastewater. Our products are low in energy consumption and are very cost-efficient. There is a minimal visual impact and special safety features are implemented especially for schools to make sure of a safe environment for kids. Our easy to install products can be installed within a short period of time during holidays, need little maintenance and are easy to operate for people without knowledge of wastewater plants.

As a contrast to a domestic household, there are sometimes thousands of pupils in a single school or college.

For the most part, sewage from buildings with educational purposes consists of a lot of toilet flushes and comparably lower amounts of organic loadings, thus leading to a higher concentration of ammonia. Most schools are on a tight budget,so it is important for their wastewater treatment plant to be cost efficient.

Schools do not operate during holidays and have the highest wastewater production during the morning until afternoon. Therefore, a product that adapts to the periods of high wastewater production and the low wastewater production during holidays is required.

Our ClearFox® professionals would advise to either get an SBR system or a containerized system.

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Small community

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ClearFox® is a market leader in the design, manufacture and supply of a range of innovations, cost effective wastewater treatment solutions for municipal wastewater.

We have successfully implemented solutions in many countries around the world for a range of project sizes. Our containerised solutions can be utilised to upgrade or replace an existing municipal wastewater treatment plant. We also offer SBR systems for new projects. We also offer ancillary products including sludge dewatering and mechanical pretreatment.

Containerised wastewater treatment modules are a proven method of fast, reliable and effective wastewater treatment for municipal wastewater treatment applications. They achieve a lower capex than constructing a wastewater treatment plant onsite using traditional civil engineering methods. Cntainerised FBBR systems and SBR systems are flexible wastewater and sewage treatment solutions that can be applied to a number of project types.

Capacity increase at existing wastewater treatment plant – Mobile containerised FBBR plants can be utilised to increase the treatment capacity of an existing wastewater treatment plant. The can also be added upstream of an existing sewage treatment plant to achieve a higher effluent standard where stricter compliance limits are being imposed. This is a fast solution that can be mobilised and installed onsite to deal with any wastewater treatment requirements.

Wastewater treatment plant upgrade – Many existing municipal wastewater treatment plants are currently overloaded and require upgrades to allow them to deal with extra hydraulic and organic loads they are receiving. The conventional upgrade route requires major civil works, large footprints and a long timeframe. In contract, the use of a  containerised FBR plant allows for the simple installation of wastewater treatment modules to increase the capacity. It is the rapid mobilisation and small footprint that make containerised wastewater treatment plants the ideal solution for municipal wastewater treatment system upgrades.

Bypass wastewater treatment – Temporary construction works on existing live sewage infrastructure can result in complications requiring the sewage and wastewater to be diverted and treated while construction work is ongoing. The use of temporary mobile FBBR plants whether purchased or leased allows water utilities and contractors to provide a method of wastewater treatment while aeration basins are isolated for construction activities.

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Tourism applications such as caravan parks and campsites generate significant amounts of wastewater. Due to the location of caravan parks in rural and scenic areas, there can often be very strict compliance limits set for ammonia, phosphorus, nitrogen and BOD. This is often due to the fact that treated effluent is discharged into sensitive watercourses or estuaries. When it comes to off mains drainage solutions for caravan parks or campsites, these key factors need careful consideration. For this reason, it is important to seek specialist input at design stage.

Our packaged plants are the industry standard in both permanent and seasonal caravan parks and campsites. In addition to offering complete wastewater treatment plants to replace failing systems, we can also offer add-on modules for treating specific parameters such as ammonia. This can be of benefit when an existing system is in breach of the environment agency discharge consent.

We provide bespoke municipal wastewater treatment solutions to suit any available space, above ground or below ground, and to any effluent standards. Where there is a compliance issue with the environment agency due to a breach of a discharge license or permit, we can offer an upgrade to ensure full compliance.

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Read More About ClearFox® Municipal Projects

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