The future of mobile wastewater treatment
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Water is becoming an increasingly important resource on our planet, which also increases the need for wastewater treatment solutions. Above all, this has an impact on the future of mobile wastewater treatment. Compact, modular systems will play a key role in the next five to ten years. PPU Umwelttechnik GmbH is aware of its responsibility and has therefore been gaining outstanding experience with packaged wastewater treatment solutions for several years.
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In which areas lies the future of mobile wastewater treatment?
Worker camps or refugee camps
Camps are places where people come together temporarily for a specific purpose. They either come into being at short notice or are planned over a longer period. Worker camps are usually located in places with an inadequate sewage infrastructure. Refugee camps, on the other hand, are usually set up at such short notice that a wastewater supply to the nearest municipal sewage treatment plant is hardly feasible. In both cases, a mobile wastewater treatment plant is the ideal solution.
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Mobile leasing systems
PPU Umwelttechnik GmbH also provides its mobile wastewater treatment systems as a leasing offer. These often exist only temporarily, as a permanent industrial site is not worthwhile in some areas. However, municipalities also benefit from the leasing offer of PPU. In the case of maintenance work on municipal sewage treatment plants, you have the option of bridging the failure of the main system for a certain period. In the event of natural disasters, a quickly available, packaged wastewater treatment plant can help to support the reconstruction of wastewater disposal.
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PPU is a pioneer in the field of mobile wastewater treatment
In the past 15 years, PPU has gained a lot of experience in the field of portable wastewater treatment in containers. For example, it supplied a worker camp in Algeria or a worker town on an oil drilling field in Libya. In the leasing sector, PPU supplied a construction site in Switzerland and a dairy in central Germany, among others. All customers benefited from the smooth project planning and the reliable cleaning performance of the systems.
The future of mobile wastewater treatment is all about meeting the customer’s wishes and requirements in the best possible way. With the portable wastewater treatment systems from PPU, he has a solution that was completely developed and manufactured in Germany. From the first to the last production step, everything is created in the Bavarian company. All systems operate cost-efficiently. By using the most modern technologies and processes, the focus is on low energy consumption. In addition, the customer is assured after the purchase that no further costs will be incurred. Selected system components come with a warranty of up to 15 years and a trained service team is available around the clock to answer questions.
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PPU is shaping the future of mobile wastewater treatment! Contact us so that we can find the best solution for you.
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