Chicken meat processing wastewater treatment

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Chicken meat processing is particularly popular worldwide because everyone eats these birds, regardless of their religion. This is not the case with other types of meat, such as pork or beef. In 2017, international consumption was therefore just under 67 billion chickens. However, the consumption of chicken meat is steadily decreasing, as more and more people are paying attention to a conscious diet with meat. Nevertheless, the processing of chicken meat produces wastewater, the treatment of which is particularly important.

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The advantages of rural chicken meat processing

Old breeds are experiencing a renaissance, especially in private chicken meat processing. Far away from factory farming, the Sulmtaler chicken or Les Bleues get plenty of outdoor exercise. Protection from predators is particularly important because the animals should enjoy a long life. The advantage is obvious: even without fertilisation, a chicken lays eggs that play a major role in many areas of the world’s cuisine.

Chicken meat is particularly healthy. Since the animals often flap their wings, the breast area is particularly trained and thus very lean. Chicken meat processing into soup is particularly popular, as it is considered a cure for many illnesses. In the USA, it is considered a miracle cure for almost every ailment, as recently confirmed by American and Japanese scientists.

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Hygiene is particularly important during chicken meat processing. The meat is more susceptible to pathogens than that of any other animal, which is why not only flawless preparation is important, but also proper processing in the slaughterhouses. After slaughter, the plants portion the chicken meat directly into the most important components, such as breast, back or leg. Running water is used in all steps of the chicken meat processing to ensure maximum quality.

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The ClearFox® wastewater treatment plants reliably purify

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The wastewater produced during the chicken meat processing is easily cleaned by the ClearFox® treatment plants. The main components are fats, oils, blood and urine, which lead to increased COD and BOD.

The ClearFox® DAF is a flotation unit that removes almost all suspended solids from the wastewater. Flocculation aids bind these and thus increase their surface area. Fine air bubbles carry them upwards, where they collect as sludge. The system discharges this to the outside via a cone opening.

The ClearFox® FBBR and SBR are two biological treatment processes that use microorganisms to clean wastewater. In the fixed bed biological reactor, blocks are installed that consist of net tubes. The microorganisms that treat the wastewater attach themselves to them. They convert the dissolved solids into secondary sludge, which is separated from the clear water by a lamella clarifier. In the Sequential Batch Reactor, an aeration system supplies the microorganisms with oxygen. These convert the dissolved solids into secondary sludge, which settles at the bottom of the plant. A clear water zone forms on top of this, which the plant pumps to the outside.

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ClearFox® wastewater treatment plants are particularly suitable for industrial wastewater treatment. Especially during chicken meat processing, the wastewater mixes with biodegradable solids, which the ClearFox® solutions reliably clean. The systems have very low investment and operating costs. Containerized wastewater treatment plants are modular and mobile. They can be expanded and moved to another location if necessary. The reliable cleaning performance and the all-round service of the ClearFox® team make the wastewater treatment plants the ideal solution for every challenge.

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Learn about ClearFox® wastewater treatment success stories 

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