ClearFox® Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants
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- Application for biological wastewater treatment plants: Domestic – Municipal – Industrial treatment
- Application Sizes: 5 – 10.000 Persons
- Manufactured in: Germany
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Biological wastewater treatment plants are classified depending on the number of people connected to them. A resident corresponds to one population equivalent (PE).
The pollution load of commercial and industrial dischargers is converted into population values (PE). Facilities with up to 50 PE are classified as small sewage treatment plants, up to 1000 PE as small-scale sewage treatment plants.
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Biological wastewater treatment procedure
For wastewater treatment, mechanical, biological and chemical procedures are used. In the mechanic-physical cleaning, often designated as first step, undissolved suspended particles are removed from the wastewater. Depending on the density, these particles are separated by pre-treatment steps including the following; screening, filtering, depositing or dissolved air flotation. Light material such as fat, oil and grease will float, material with higher density will sink to the bottom. Components for the mechanical cleaning are rake, sieve, grease trap, grit chamber, flotation and pre-chamber.
What is biological cleaning or biological treatment?
Biological cleaning is a process where nutrients and contaminants in the wastewater are degraded by micro organisms and removed. While dissolved oxygen is required for the degradation of carbon compounds and ammonium (nitrification), degradation of the nitrate (denitrification) is possible only without it. The technical implementation is based on the self-cleaning process which normally occurs in the natural environment. The best-known procedures for biological cleaning are eration plants, percolating filters and fixed-bed plants.
Precipitation/flocculation of phosphorus compounds
As a third cleaning stage, different chemical (and in part physical) procedures can be grouped, which are used to remove further contaminants which have passed the biological cleaning. These include precipitation/flocculation of phosphorus compounds or even material which is difficult or impossible to degrade, such as medicinal products, toxic materials, and heavy metals. In addition, the pre-cleaned wastewater can be disinfected by UV radiation, ozonisation or chlorination or be cleaned of (absorbable) substances attached to activated carbon.
What are the advantages of the ClearFox® biological wastewater treatment plant?
The technology used is ideal where there are no trained operators onsite, or in applications where minimal operator input is required. Also, the systems use very stable and the technology robust. So for a low cost, automatic and reliable wastewater treatment plant ClearFox® solutions are the best choice.
The biological treatment process with cascaded fixed bed technology is suitable for:
Our solutions can be installed at any development where wastewater is produced. Underload and overload conditions typical of many applications such as holiday homes are no issue for our biological systems. ClearFox® are experts in fixed-bed technology Even maintenance of the system is possible without any special knowledge. The modular container treatment plant can be expanded (multilane, sludge treatment, etc.) No need of constant control adjustment because the plant is operated automatically and independently of quality controls
These simple plug and play solutions are superior to more complex wastewater treatment systems that require onsite operators and specialists for all of the maintenance requirements. Clearfox® systems are specifically designed to be user friendly. So you get an effective, high quality, simple and automatic solution.
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