Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Industrial wastewater can be far more polluted than typical wastewater or sewage, with higher BOD and COD concentrations. Industrial wastewater treatment is the process of managing and treating industrial wastewater from different applications. We are specialized in treating such effluent, thus ensuring that stringent discharge regulations are complied with and water is recovered and recycled. Recycling wastewater reduces pressure on the environment and your finances. We provide complete turnkey solutions for flowrates between 1 m³/hr and 400 m³/hr.


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Examples of sectors that have the potential to generate industrial wastewater include the following industries:

  • Food processing
  • Beverage
  • Oil and gas
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Biogas
  • Semiconductor
  • Printing
  • Textile
  • Agricultural processes
  • Breweries
  • Wineries
  • Mining
  • Wash water from any activity and process effluent

ClearFox® is a recognised market leader in the design, manufacture and supply of industrial wastewater treatment plants and industrial wastewater treatment process development.

We provide cutting edge, intelligent solutions for industrial wastewater treatment:

  • Ensuring that they meet the stringent discharge compliances
  • To recover and recycle water that can be reused in:
    • Cooling towers
    • Irrigation
    • Washing water
    • Process water
  • To recover and recycle water from municipal sewage


Our solutions are based on:

  • Finding a good compromise between features of the plant (e.g. degree of automation)
  • The regulatory requirements (discharge concentrations)
  • Previous optimisation measures or operational procedures adjustments (in-plant measures to reduce wastewaters)
  • Integration with existing infrastructure
  • Lowest opex costs
  • Utilising leading process technologies
  • Small footprint

This allows the ClearFox® team of experts to assist you and to guarantee an economically successful solution, based on your requirements.


 ClearFox® Industrial Wastewater Treatment technologies are:

We produce all core components in-house, such as DAF, biological reactors (SBR and FBBR), DiOx advanced oxidation, sludge dewatering plants and chemical-physical treatment systems for precipitation and flocculation.

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Industrial wastewater treatment

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